Product Information
- Every major topic of trade policy is covered–Including comparative advantage, dumping, tariffs, optimal tariffs, quotas, trade agreements, and the industrial policy. Provides a complete picture of trade policy.
- Provides a complete picture of trade policy.
- Fundamental intuition behind the standard graphical treatments of international trade and trade policy is provided. Enhances students' understanding of standard analyses of comparative advantage, tariffs, quotas, and short-run and long-run welfare effects of trade policies.
- Enhances students' understanding of standard analyses of comparative advantage, tariffs, quotas, and short-run and long-run welfare effects of trade policies.
- Material comes to life in a unique way, going beyond the standard boxed applications in books. Through the characters, students see how the theory works in the real world.
- Through the characters, students see how the theory works in the real world.
- Rich real-world issues are provided for students to discuss or research in depth. Makes economics fun without sacrificing rigor
- Makes economics fun without sacrificing rigor
- NEW - New EXPANDED discussion on trade deficits–Added due to its growing importance since the early 1990's (Chapter 10).
- Discusses causes, history and employment effects of trade deficits.
- NEW - New chapters on Globalization and the Poor and Outsourcing.
- Added due to their growing importance
- NEW - Discussions have been added–Comparative Advantage, China, and India
- Hot topics that students can relate to are covered.