Amazon Japan
Tool for Sellers

Access Data-Driven Insights for the Japanese eCommerce Market

Japan is one of the five biggest eCommerce marketplaces in the world, making it an ideal platform for omnichannel sellers looking to grow their business. With developed marketplaces and a population that enjoys eCommerce shopping, having access to the latest data and insights is more important than ever for sellers looking to compete in Japan.

Whether you’re selling on eBay Japan or are looking to take advantage of the demand on Amazon there, there’s no reason not to consider expanding your audience to one of the most promising markets in Asia.

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Why Sell Products Online in Japan?

Did you know that Japan is the third-largest market for eCommerce in the world? It isn’t surprising, considering:

But a large market doesn’t mean everyone can find a profitable niche. How do you compete with the inevitably vast number of competitors? If you want to know how to sell on Amazon Japan, you’ll need the right product research to set yourself apart from the rest.

Why Do Some Businesses Fail?

Say that you’re trying to sell a specific product in the Japanese eCommerce market. Even if the product is among the top selling items on Amazon Japan, a few issues can still pop up.

  • How do you know what price to sell the item at? How much are people in Japan willing to pay?
  • How many other competitors are also trying to sell in your market, and what can you do to capitalize in their weaknesses?
  • Do you have a specific description of your product to differentiate it from extremely similar but still distinct items on the storefront?
  • What are the shipping and tax expenses you’ll have to cover?
  • Will the resulting profit margin even be sustainable?

It’s issues like these that are the ultimate barrier for many eCommerce businesses. That’s why market research matters: even if a product has less demand in Japan, you might be able to sell it well if few other sellers are offering it or you can find an optimal price to generate a profit margin.

How Do You Perform Product Research Efficiently?

To sell on Amazon Japan without actually living there, product research is the key. But because you need real-time data (outdated information won’t do you any good since demand and market conditions change rapidly), manual research can be costly and out of reach for many eCommerce companies.

Look to an Amazon Japan product research tool like Algopix instead. Whether you sell in Japan already or need a way to enter the market, knowing exactly what you should sell and how you do it greatly increases your chances. Algopix automatically tells you relevant information like:

  • The Amazon Japan sales estimator to tell how well the product sells on the Japanese market.
  • The current going price for the product
  • What other sellers will be competing with you
  • The demand level amongst Japanese shoppers
  • Shipping, taxes, and other expenses related to the sale
  • Key products details, including ASINs, dimensions, and other specific features

The platform combines all these points together to give you a recommendation on whether you should sell a specific product. Nothing else is as easy to use and comprehensive.

Why spend countless hours doing market research yourself when you could choose Algopix as your automated product research platform and gain access to key insights into the lucrative Japanese online market? Sign up for your free trial today.