Product Description
Seam Oasis proudly presents the 20 + 2 Pure Red Line Caridina Cantonensis shrimp, a flawless addition to your aquarium. These vibrant members of the Caridina species are a delightful sight in freshwater tanks, known for their striking red color that enhances any aquarium setting. Live and healthy, these shrimp are ready to enrich your freshwater aquarium, serving as excellent companions for live fish while adding a burst of color and vitality. At Seam Oasis, we take pride in our commitment to quality, and we exclusively utilize UPS for reliable and efficient delivery to ensure the seamless arrival of these aquatic wonders at your doorstep. These Pure Red Line shrimp are a delightful addition to any shrimp aquarium and can coexist peacefully with other shrimp species such as the cherry shrimp and amano shrimp. These shrimp are not just visually appealing but also play a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness of your aquarium by feeding on algae and organic matter. Make your aquarium more lively and dynamic with these Pure Red Line Caridina Cantonensis shrimp from Seam Oasis.
Product Information
- Entered the US market in early 2014 with distinguishing features: Purity, as they had never been crossbred with golden bee shrimp to enhance coloration. Vibrant Red/White Coloration: Intense hues of red and white. Exhibits high stability in the SSS grade. Possibility of Thick-shell & Red-craw Variants: Potential for the development of thick-shell and red-craw variations. Imported directly from Taiwan and mastered home bred in America
- Tank Parameters Ph: 6.2 to 6.8 Gh: 4 to 6 Kh: 0 to 2 TDS: 100 to 160 Temp: 68 to 74
- Filter: Sponge Filter Water: Utilizing RO/DI water, remineralized with Salty Shrimp Gh+ Decor: Enhance your tank with Malaysian Driftwood, Java Moss, and Indian Almond Leaves
- Tank Size Recommendations: - Larger aquariums are recommended for stable water parameters. - Ensure conditions remain as consistent as possible. Minimum Tank Size for Pure Red Line Shrimp: - Advised minimum tank size is 30 L (8 gallons). Stocking Density Guidelines: - Optimal stocking density is 2-4 adult shrimp per 1 liter (0.26 gallons) of water.
- Diet: - Pure red line shrimp are omnivores and consume a variety of food. - They enjoy biofilm and algae but require supplementation for optimal health. - Shrimp food options on the market include pellets, bacterial powder, snowflakes, leaves, and blanched vegetables. - To enhance vibrant red color, supplement with carotenoid sources like carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins.