Product Information
- Entered the US market in early 2014 with distinguishing features: Purity, as they had never been crossbred with golden bee shrimp to enhance coloration. Vibrant Red/White Coloration: Intense hues of red and white. Exhibits high stability in the SSS grade. Possibility of Thick-shell & Red-craw Variants: Potential for the development of thick-shell and red-craw variations. Imported directly from Taiwan and mastered home bred in America
- Tank Parameters Ph: 6.2 to 6.8 Gh: 4 to 6 Kh: 0 to 2 TDS: 100 to 160 Temp: 68 to 74
- Filter: Sponge Filter Water: Utilizing RO/DI water, remineralized with Salty Shrimp Gh+ Decor: Enhance your tank with Malaysian Driftwood, Java Moss, and Indian Almond Leaves
- Tank Size Recommendations: - Larger aquariums are recommended for stable water parameters. - Ensure conditions remain as consistent as possible. Minimum Tank Size for Pure Red Line Shrimp: - Advised minimum tank size is 30 L (8 gallons). Stocking Density Guidelines: - Optimal stocking density is 2-4 adult shrimp per 1 liter (0.26 gallons) of water.
- Diet: - Pure red line shrimp are omnivores and consume a variety of food. - They enjoy biofilm and algae but require supplementation for optimal health. - Shrimp food options on the market include pellets, bacterial powder, snowflakes, leaves, and blanched vegetables. - To enhance vibrant red color, supplement with carotenoid sources like carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins.