Product Information
- NEW MEXICO 6-4: You get 22+ mild heat chile seeds from Hatch, New Mexico. A non-GMO heritage variety introduced in 1956 yields a bumper crop of 6-8 inch peppers. NM6-4 chilies are rated at 500-1000 Scoville Heat Units. NM6-4 is one of the top commercially grown varieties in the State.
- MICRO-SEEDVAULT: Seeds are delicate living things that were not designed for the rigors of e-commerce. Your seeds are packed in a reusable/recyclable screw top aluminum container that protects them through the dangers of the delivery process; plane flights, truck rides, conveyor belts, and the icy grip of a robot’s claw. Your seeds should arrive safe and happy, just as they were packed in Tularosa, New Mexico.
- NO PLASTIC: Call us “old school”, but our seeds are never shipped, stored, or packed in plastic to avoid exposure to off-gassing compounds. Your seeds are packed into the food-grade aluminum Micro-Seedvault with 100% organic, chemical free cotton which keeps them stable, absorbs ambient moisture, and provides some protection from thermal shock. All of the product packaging can be composted, recycled and/or reused.
- WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK: New Mexico chile seeds are the only thing we sell. That’s our passion and we want you to have a successful harvest. To help, we’ve placed QR codes on the packaging and the Micro-Seedvault that take you directly to our website. There, you will have all the information you need to germinate and grow healthy plants, harvest and process your crop (roast green chilies and dry red chilies), and prepare authentic New Mexican recipes using your fresh chiles.
- Your seeds remain viable for 2-3+ years if stored in the Micro-Seedvault in a cool (temperature wise) and environmentally stable location.