Product Information
- Choi hair Transplant Implanter Pen originated at the Kyungpook National University (KNU) in Korea. The implanted helps works to combine the act of making a wound site in recipient area and implantation of an extracted graft into one act.
- We use a high platelet count solution to preserve individual donor grafts. Grafts are then loaded into syringe-shaped instrument and implanted directly into scalp without need to create donor incisions first. Thus avoiding the unnecessary trauma to the scalp
- Choi Implanter is a pen-like device featuring a hollow needle attached to a tube and plunger apparatus. During a hair procedure with the Choi Implanter, the hair restoration physician and/or technicians loads harvested follicular units into the implanter pen
- The surgeon then inserts the needle at an appropriate angle in the scalp (making the incision site) and implants the graft by pressing down on the plunger. Normally, anywhere from 2-6 Choi implanters are used concurrently during a procedure and the device comes in a variety of needle sizes to fit single, double, and triple follicular unit grafts
- According to some hair restoration experts, there are distinct advantages to the Choi Implanter device. Adequate graft survival rates, Decreased bleeding during recipient site creation