Product Information
- MG90S micro servo motor operating torque: 2.0kg/cm, Response Speed: 0.11s/60 degree, Rotation Angle: Max 180 degree, Working Voltage: 4.8V, Dead Band Width: 5 microseconds
- SG90 digital micro servos wiring, Dark Gray: GND, Red: VCC 4.8-7.2V, Orange: Pulse Input
- MG90S micro servo gear with less noise,the gears help with the movement, these will rotate the proper direction
- The model is suitable for ordinary small electric aircraft models and is not recommended in large fixed wing and electric helicopter
- MG90S 9g gear micro servo application for swash plate servo, fixed wing, helicopters, fluttering, gliding, small robots, and other models of mini car, mini ship, helicopter and airplane