Product Information
- 915Mhz 3DR 500MW Radio Telemetry Kit : Support OTG of Android Cellphones and computer OTG. Antenna is 5.8G.
- 3DR telemetry 915mhz set for multiwii setting. PLUG AND PLAY. Pre-configered and tested to 115200 BAUD rate, and all other settings needed.
- The 3DR Radio telemetry system is designed as an open source Xbee replacement radio set, longer range and superior performance to Xbee radios.
- The radio is a 2-way half-duplex wireless communication system with a standard TTL UART interface, based on HopeRF's HM-TRP data link modules, and custom firmware that improves upon the modules' original features and performance.
- The SiK firmware includes a bootloader that permits radio firmware upgrades over the serial interface, and radio firmware with configurable parameters.