Product Information
- Exquisite Craftsmanship: The cigar humidor is meticulously handmade, with a hard lacquer finish that resists wear and tear, providing a glossy and radiant appearance akin to a piece of art. It can be placed in the living room, study, bedroom, or wine cellar, making it a perfect gift for casual smokers, cigar enthusiasts, grooms, or for occasions such as birthdays, retirements, anniversaries, or housewarmings.
- Selection of Spanish Cedar Wood: The cigar box is crafted from premium Spanish cedar wood, known for its stable moisture absorption properties that maintain the ideal humidity for cigars. It enhances the aging process, enriches the flavor of cigars. While ensuring the safety of cigars, it also imparts the unique woody aroma of cedar.
- Practical Layout: Featuring a walnut-brown-colored lid design, with internal dimensions of 204x190x58mm, it can accommodate 25-35 Churchill cigars. Equipped with adjustable shelves that can be freely moved and assembled, it optimizes storage space. Additionally, it includes a drawer for storing cigar accessories.
- Visible Humidity: The cedar cigar desktop box is equipped with a hygrometer for observing the humidity levels inside the humidor. When moisture is lacking, cigar humidifying solution or distilled water can be added to the humidifier, maintaining the humidity levels inside the humidor for better storage and aging of cigars.
- User-friendly Design: The spanish cedar humidor features a sealed edge design to ensure a tight fit of the box. Its high transparency glass provides a clear view, allowing for easy observation. The high-quality stainless steel hinges effectively secure the stability of the box's opening and closing, ensuring that your cigars are aged to perfection in terms of color, aroma, and taste. NOTE: Allow the product to stand for at least 24 hours upon receipt before use.