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Wet & Forget Moss, Mold, Mildew, & Algae Stain Remover Multi-Surface Outdoor Cleaner Concentrate, Original, 128 Fluid Ounces

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Product Information

  • Wet & Forget Concentrate Outdoor Cleaner removes green and black stains caused by moss, mold, mildew, and algae, no scrubbing, no rinsing, no pressure washing, just wet it and forget it on multiple surfaces including driveway, patio, roof, siding, deck, vinyl, wood, concrete, canvas, aluminum, and upholstery
  • Mix 1 part Wet & Forget with 5 parts water in a garden sprayer, spray dry surface on a cool day to avoid rapid evaporation of product, do not rinse, apply when rain is not forecasted within 4-5 hours, apply when the temperature is above 32° F; unused product can be stored mixed and ready in sprayer for future applications with unlimited shelf life
  • Cleans over time with the wind and rain, green stains clean up within 1-2 weeks, black stains or heavy, stubborn stains can take several months, long-established stains may take 6-12 months; surfaces can stay clean up to 1 year or longer
  • It is bleach free and non-acidic; spray 100 feet away from lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams and flush plants with water before and after application
  • One bottle treats 750 - 2,250 square feet, heavy stained and porous surfaces will absorb more product

Product Identifiers

AIDAlgopix unique identifier

Shipping Dimensions

6.25 in.
10.5 in.
4.5 in.
140.8 oz.

Product Dimensions

7.1 in.
5.1 in.
10.3 in.
140.8 oz.

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