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Very Small 2x1mm Disc Magnets - Universal Round Fastener for Decor Craft Miniature Modeling - Multi-Purpose Holder Circular Tiny Magnet Disk N52 (100 Pack)

Best offer in the last 28 days!Golden Dollar
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Product Information

  • Compact Size: With a diameter of 2mm and a thickness of 1mm, these tiny neodymium round disc magnets are incredibly small and discreet, making them perfect for delicate applications and projects where space is limited.
  • Strong Holding Power: Despite their small size, these magnets pack a powerful magnetic force. They can securely hold and fasten lightweight items such as papers, photos, and small crafts, providing reliable support and organization.
  • Versatile Applications: These tiny magnets have a wide range of uses. From DIY crafts and needlework to securing items on fridges, refrigerators, whiteboards, and dry erase boards, they are essential tools for various projects and tasks.
  • Durable and Long-Lasting: Made from high-quality neodymium material, these magnets are built to last. They are resistant to corrosion and maintain their magnetic strength over time, ensuring their effectiveness and durability.
  • Multipurpose and Portable: These magnets are not only suitable for practical purposes but also provide endless entertainment as toys or building tools. Their compact size and lightweight design make them easily portable, allowing you to take them wherever your creativity leads you. Whether you're in the garage, workshop, kitchen, garden, office, school, classroom, or lab, these tiny round disc magnets will prove to be indispensable.

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