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Tea Forte Cold Brew Elderflower Rose Iced Tea Infuser

Best offer in the last 28 days!Golden Dollar
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Product Information

  • COLD BREW TEA with hints of fruit are specially formulated to steep in cold water (still or sparkling) leaving you with a glass of refreshing fruit infused tea.
  • LIVEN UP your water with this instant iced tea bag pack, infuse for 7-10 minutes, or longer for more flavor.
  • TEA BAGS FOR ICED TEA with herbal botanicals make a perfect summer gift, or refreshment for yourself!
  • AFTER STEEPING, remove sachet and add ice if desired. This tea bag pack has notes of rose petals, elderflower, and hibiscus balanced with hints of apple.
  • 15 ICED TEA BAGS, each sachet makes a 12 oz serving. This blend is USDA Organic and Kosher Certified.

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