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Mighty Jaxx Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles One Piece (Warlords Edition) | Blind Box Toy Collectible Figurines | One Pack - Contains One Random Figure

Best offer in the last 28 days!Golden Dollar
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Product Information

  • Mighty Jaxx is proud to present the four series (Warlords Edition) of One Piece Hidden Dissectibles 10.2 cm tall collector figures from a range of One Piece Hidden Dissectibles
  • Each pack contains a randomly selected figure. There are 6 Common Rarity figures to collect, and one Ultra Rare - Boa Hancock!
  • Whether they're extra bad, extra serious, or extra beautiful, the 7 Warlords are packed with details and surprises for fans of this top manga and anime series.
  • Don't forget to scan your figure with your phone. Unlock unique digital experiences and a certificate of authenticity via the Mighty Jaxx app!
  • The most powerful pirates in One Piece await with ny's Hidden Dissectibles: One Piece (Warlords Edition), collect them all today.

Product Identifiers

AIDAlgopix unique identifier

Shipping Dimensions

6.89 in.
10.16 in.
5 in.
32.48 oz.

Product Dimensions

3.94 in.
2.36 in.
3.94 in.

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