Product Information
- 【7" DSI Touch Screen Display】7 inch capacitive touch display for Raspberry Pi, DSI TFT LCD dispaly, 800×480 resolution
- 【Device Support】7 inch DSI LCD Display supports Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+/3A+/3B/2B/B+/A+, CM3/3+/4, working with CM4/3+/3 requires extra adapter board
- 【System Support】7 inch touch screen monitor supports Raspbian, 5-points touch, driver free; Supports Ubuntu / Kali / WIN10 IoT, single point touch, driver free; Supports Retropie, driver free
- 【Capacitive Touch Control】Up to 5-points touch, depending on the operating system
- 【Adjustable Brightness】Adjustable brightness via software, Low power consumption