Product Information
- Say Goodbye to Brown Tears Strains - Due to the careful selection of protein sources in our real meat dog food, your fair-coated dog friends can forget about the brown tear, saliva, and paw strains. The balanced amount of amino, protein, and nutrient ingredients keeps the correct transparent tear composition making your dog pal feel and look healthy, clean, and energetic.
- Healthy & Balanced High Protein Dog Food - Nature's Protection hypoallergenic dry dog food is made from dried premium quality meat & essential nutrients. It gives your fair-haired furry friends 46% of the actual protein source instead of 15% in dry food made from fresh meat. When dry dog food lacks crucial nutrients, it leads to dry, dull, and flaky skin and coat for your beloved pet.
- Premium Dog Food Ingredient - Our white fish dog food is a pioneer in healthy dry dog food solutions. Its unique ingredient Microzeogen removes heavy metals from your dogs' bodies, supports healthy skin and coat & strengthens the immune system. This natural mineral actively stimulates your fair-coated dog's microflora and nutrient absorption.
- Suitable for Sensitive Stomachs - Nature's Protection superior care, small dog food decreases the risk of allergies and digestive problems for your pet. It is free from wheat, pork & beef which are the most common allergens. We use completely sustainable and traceable Antarctic Ocean krill protein to provide easily digestible and palatable premium food choices for your dog's taste.
- Created by Our Breeder With Love - Our sensitive stomach dog food is made by our breeders together with veterinarians and nutrition specialists. They united their skills to meet the true needs of your pet. Nature's Protection premium ingredient grain free dog food from white fish is a mix of carefully selected must-have, superior care ingredients for the balanced and healthy diet for your white and light coat sensitive dogs.