Product Description
What is better than a lead guitar solo with a nice guitar ran through a nice warm tube amp? The same solo played by David Gilmore; but more importantly for you is the same guitar solo played through a Joyo Flanger! This ?Classic Flanger? pedal brings to mind the 70s rock era, with originality shining (instead of production methods). The JF-07 Classic flanger might as well be called the ?007? pedal because it?s as stealthy and intriguing as Agent Bond himself. The control layout is reminiscent of your manager at work (that one may go above most of your heads, unless you really have an eye for simile, word play, or can think of a classic purple stompbox that brought this sound into everyone?s practice spaces). Featuring true bypass wiring, knobs to control Regen (how much feedback the pedal throws into the mix), Delay time (obvious enough, the speed of the swirl), width (also plays significantly with the modulation, basically affecting how far the flanger goes away from unmodulated or clean) and finally speed (also impacts swirliness and overall, controls the wobble). The JF-07 pedal is an affordable but highly effective pedal, and as such it allows any guitar player, beginner intermediate or expert, to dive in (deep) and begin experimenting with the headspace that is Sound. Do not operate heavy machinery while swirling around and getting lost in the lush tones this pedal can provide!