Product Information
- Because many buyers commented that the sizes of men and women were unclear, they did not know how to place an order. Therefore, we have revised the main pictures of men and women. The main picture of men style is a pair of shoes, and that of women style is half of a pair.Hope it can help you.
- -WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF THESE SLIPPERS?- These Flip flops are very light weight and non-slip, quick-drying.
- -WHERE TO WEAR THESE SANDALS?-For swimming pools, beaches, gyms and lazy afternoons.
- -WHO WOULD LOVE THERE FLIP FLOP? - This is an unisex sandal. Good-looking curves and comfortable arched supports are popular with the public.
- At the same time, LuffyMomo Flip-flop will be your new choice and will not disappoint you. Search - LuffyMomo, you will find us.