Product Information
- Dimensions: 4" x 4" x 8”
- Organize Your Toiletry in Style: We believe that “less is more” and design our crafts to invite you to think and organize minimally.
- One Craft, Two Smiles: We sponsor one day of education for each craft we sell. While making you smile with our quality leather, we share a portion of the proceeds with children in need!
- Through our 50 year old leather tanning recipe, we tan the cleanest and responsibly sourced hides as well as giving the top layer a slight buff to achieve a pleasant, interactive feel.
- PERSONALIZE IT: Make it yours with firebranded initials. 4 Characters MAX (including spaces), NO Emojis, and we only have the font TIMES NEW ROMAN. Upper and Lowercase Letters as well as all numbers. Special characters: , . ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + ? only.