Product Description
A linha ÓLEO DE COCO é um tratamento mega umectante, nutritivo e emoliente para reposição natural de nutrientes, vitaminas, óleos e massa capilar. Preenche as partes danificadas dos fios proporcionando uma superfície mais lisa e uniforme. Penetra no córtex recuperando a saúde e a qualidade dos fios. A medida que os danos são tratados, os fios ganham peso e se alinham naturalmente, as ondas ficam suavizadas e o volume sob controle.
The COCONUT OIL line is a mega moisturizing, nourishing and emollient treatment for the natural replacement of nutrients, vitamins, oils and capillary mass. It fills in the damaged parts of the wires providing a smoother and more uniform surface. Penetrates the cortex, recovering the health and quality of the threads. As damage is addressed, strands gain weight and align naturally, waves are smoothed out and volume is under control.
The COCONUT OIL line is a mega moisturizing, nourishing and emollient treatment for the natural replacement of nutrients, vitamins, oils and capillary mass. It fills in the damaged parts of the wires providing a smoother and more uniform surface. Penetrates the cortex, recovering the health and quality of the threads. As damage is addressed, strands gain weight and align naturally, waves are smoothed out and volume is under control.
Product Information
- Aligns Naturally, Smoothens Waves And Controls Volume (Alinha Naturalmente Os Fios, Suaviza As Ondas E Controla O Volume)
- Softens Rough, Dehydrated Textures (Amacia A Textura Áspera E Ressecada)
- 100% Vegetable, Extra Virgin, Natural Coconut Oil (Óleo De Coco Natural, Extravirgem, 100% Vegetal )
- Fills In Damaged Areas Creating An Even, Straight Surface
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