Product Description
Butterworms (10 count) are larvae of the Chilean Moth (Chilecomadia moorei) and will measure approximately 1.25-1.5". Butterworms are popular fishing bait in South America, and are exported to the United States for the same purpose. Butterworms are relatively low in fat and are very high in calcium, so they are great feeder insects. Butterworms' bright coloration and undulating, caterpillar-like movement entices even the pickiest of eaters to chow down.
Josh's Frogs cannot ship Butterworms to the following states:
This is due to them being considered an invasive species outside of their natural habitat. As well, in order to protect our native ecosystems, Butterworms undergo a treatment that makes them sterile. This does not affect their nutritional value or the health of your pet.
We partnered with the USDA to create a handout informing any insect/animal/plant purchasers to not release organisms into the wild, and how to dispose of them properly. This informative flier is included free of charge with every Butterworm purchase.
How to Feed: Butterworms are a great feeder insect for: Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, Aquatic Turtles, Chameleons, Monitors, Tegus, Fat Tail Geckos, and many Tarantulas, Centipedes, and Scorpions. It's common for Butterworms to spin a cocoon during storage, carefully tear this apart to reveal the Butterworm. Remove Butterworms from the wheat bran and place them in a bowl, or tong feed them to your animal.
How to Store: Simply put the container of Butterworms in your fridge door. At temperatures between 38F and 42F, Butterworms may last a month or longer! Butterworms come packed in wheat bran, which they may eat.
Nutritional Information Protein ~15%, Fat 5%, Calcium ~430ppm, Moisture ~60%
Josh's Frogs cannot ship Butterworms to the following states:
This is due to them being considered an invasive species outside of their natural habitat. As well, in order to protect our native ecosystems, Butterworms undergo a treatment that makes them sterile. This does not affect their nutritional value or the health of your pet.
We partnered with the USDA to create a handout informing any insect/animal/plant purchasers to not release organisms into the wild, and how to dispose of them properly. This informative flier is included free of charge with every Butterworm purchase.
How to Feed: Butterworms are a great feeder insect for: Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, Aquatic Turtles, Chameleons, Monitors, Tegus, Fat Tail Geckos, and many Tarantulas, Centipedes, and Scorpions. It's common for Butterworms to spin a cocoon during storage, carefully tear this apart to reveal the Butterworm. Remove Butterworms from the wheat bran and place them in a bowl, or tong feed them to your animal.
How to Store: Simply put the container of Butterworms in your fridge door. At temperatures between 38F and 42F, Butterworms may last a month or longer! Butterworms come packed in wheat bran, which they may eat.
Nutritional Information Protein ~15%, Fat 5%, Calcium ~430ppm, Moisture ~60%
Product Information
- Big, juicy butterworms for your bug eaters! Great feeders for Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, Aquatic Turtles, Chameleons, Monitors, Tegus, Fat Tail Geckos, and many Tarantulas, Centipedes, and Scorpions.
- Josh's Frogs cannot ship Butterworms to the following states: Hawaii, Louisiana, Oregon, Vermont and West Virginia
- Virtual care sheet included with information on storage and feeding technique.
- Specially packaged to help ensure a live arrival in most weather conditions.
- Butterworms are shipped out with a two to three day service. We use a variety of shipping services including USPS, UPS and FedEx based on your location and weather! We cannot honor requests for specific services.