We guarantee the delivery of only live, healthy plants to your doorstep. If, for some reason, you believe the plant you receive is not a live and healthy specimen, please take a photo immediately, and email to info@plantsbymail.com. Plants found to not be healthy or alive, or plants found to be damaged in shipping -- if reported within seven days of shipping -- will be replaced. We will do our best to not ship plants during extreme weather months such as winter, however understanding your own weather conditions is your responsibility. If your area is extremely cold or hot during a particular month, and you choose to order, you are assuming the risk of the safe arrival of live plants to you. Please be sure to instruct your mailman on proper placement of such packages to avoid prolonged temperature exposure. Customer takes full and sole responsibility for providing care to the plants once in your possession. Customer agrees to open the box and take care of the plants received immediately. Failure of live plants to thrive is the sole responsibility of the customer. No refunds nor replacement plants are provided. However, please do feel free to contact us for planting and care assistance if you need additional guidance. Thanks, and happy gardening!