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iStorage datAshur PRO 8 GB | Encrypted USB Memory Stick | FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Certified | Password protected | Dust/Water Resistant

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Product Information

  • Easy to use, PIN authenticated hardware encrypted USB Flash Drive - Perfect solution to protect your digital assets. Simply enter a 7-15 digit PIN to authenticate and use as a normal USB flash drive. When the drive is disconnected, all data is encrypted using AES-XTS 256-bit hardware encryption (no software required).
  • Government certified: FIPS 140-2 Level 3, NLNCSA DEP-V & NATO Restricted certified. The datAshur PRO helps you ensure compliance with data regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA.
  • The datAshur PRO is the perfect solution for storing your personal or company data. Carry the datAshur PRO with you wherever you go. Portable, rugged, dust & water resistant (IP57 certified) Without the PIN, there’s no way IN! All data transferred to the drive is encrypted in real time and is protected from unauthorised access even if the device is lost or stolen!
  • The datAshur PRO will work on any device with a USB port, no software is required. Compatible with: MS Windows, macOS, Linux, Chrome, Android, Thin Clients, Zero Clients, Embedded Systems, Citrix and VMware
  • Transfer your files in seconds Lightning fast backwards compatible USB 3.2 data transfer speeds. Up to 169MB/s Read speeds Up to 135MB/s Write speeds.


Part Number

Product Identifiers

AIDAlgopix unique identifier

Shipping Dimensions

3.7 in.
5.98 in.
0.63 in.
1.76 oz.

Product Dimensions

0.79 in.
3.15 in.
0.41 in.
0.96 oz.

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