Product Description
Century 2 hp Single Speed 115/230V 9.2/18.4 Amp 1.0 S.F. (2.0 T.H.P.) C-Flange Up Rate Motor Century B230SE C Faced, Switchless UP Rated, Low Service Factor replacement pump motors; 2.00 H.P., 3450 RPM, 230/115V, 9.2/18.4 amps, Service Factor 1.00, Frame 56J, Class "B" Insulation Application: * Single Speed Pool & Spa Motor * May be used on: Americana, AquaFlo, Baker Hydro, Super, Super II, MaxFlo and Purex Pumps Replacement performance data * Total output (Horsepower (HP) x Service Factor (SF)) of replacement motor must equal or exceed motor being replaced * For Sizing of replacement pumps please take the following information from the name plate: 1. Volts 2. HP (Horse Power) 3. RPM 4. FR (Frame) * When Replacing Motors, the seal and gaskets should always be replaced.
Product Information
- 2 hp Single Speed
- 115/230V
- 9.2/18.4 Amp