Product Information
- If the Hylton unit could be described as Britain's leading showband, few would dispute Ambrose's Orchestra. Ambrose's position as the man behind the top British dance combination of the period.
- Henry Hall's band went from strength to strength, until by 1934, over fifty per cent of all the post arriving at Broadcasting House was for Henry from his multitude of fans.
- Surely the record for longevity as an active bandleader is held, perhaps forever, by the late Joe Loss. He wielded the baton for almost sixty years, from 1930 until a few months before his death in June 1990.
- It wasn't only good tunes that we received from across the Atlantic. Bandleaders arrived too - Carroll Gibbons, Jack Harris, Jay Whidden and Hal Swain all found fame and fortune on this side of the water. To these must be added Roy Fox, who landed here in September 1930, fresh from leading his own orchestra at the Embassy Club in Hollywood.
- We know that for those who remember this music of the time, this album will bring back happy memories. For those perhaps too young to remember, it still has the ability to set your feet tapping.