Mike Guzman

Tel-Aviv, Israel

I believe that teamwork is key to any form of online marketing campaign. People working in email marketing like myself need a consistent vision that matches with the overall goals of the company, social media teams, ad placement campaigns, and to other aspects of the advertising team in order to draw in the target audience as effectively as possible. That’s why I focus heavily on working with other departments when constructing my ad campaigns. Time and time again, this approach has led to success on all fronts, with every department seeing improved results.

How I can help Algopix users?

I became an expert email marketing by selling my own products online. Algopix is a great tool for showing you worthwhile products. But you need my skill set if you want to market those products. I’ll work with you to design the perfect email ad campaigns and take the time to get to know you, your business, and your target audience.