Is there a tool that can bulk scrape ASIN identifiers from SKUs on Amazon?

Q&A ProCategory: Amazon SellersIs there a tool that can bulk scrape ASIN identifiers from SKUs on Amazon?
Madison Knight asked 5 years ago
1 Answers
Dani Avitz Staff answered 5 years ago
The goal of any seller is to streamline manual tasks. Manually scraping ASIN codes off of Amazon takes a lot of time. That’s a valuable time that you could spend working on other areas of your business. Luckily, bulk ASIN scraper tools do exist. Algopix allows you to find the ASIN and other available product identifiers for over 200 products at once. You can do this using the Bulk Analysis feature. Not only can you get the range of product identifiers including the UPC, EAN, and ASIN, you also get a wealth of additional information for each product, including its dimensions, color, selling price, a breakdown of expenses and expected a profit. Users simply upload an Excel or CSV file containing up to 200 items with at least a description or one standard identifier (GTIN, ASIN, EAN, UPC, eBay number), Algopix will return a file with each product’s UPC, ASIN, EAN, dimensions, and other characteristics, quickly to your email.  

Looking for an easier way to scrape ASINs from your product lists? Try Algopix today.