Discounts and Coupon Codes

In eCommerce, offering a discount or coupon code consists of providing consumers with a series of numbers or letters that customers can enter into a site’s promotional box on a site’s checkout page to receive a discount on a product or service. Discount codes are a great way to promote your products and enjoy a boost in sales. Promotions are most often used during holidays or significant shopping days like Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

Why offer discounts?
Discounts help incentivize customers to buy products that they wouldn’t buy otherwise, thereby increasing your profits. Additionally, if you send an email announcing a discount, customers are more likely to make it to your site and explore your product selection.

Amazon Promotions
If you are registered on Amazon as a Professional Seller, you can have access to promotions, and you can require buyers to enter a specific code to benefit from your promotion or sale. The price after the discount must be at least $0.01, and you cannot offer a free item. This option is also viable if you have won the Amazon Buy Box.

eBay Coupons
eBay sellers who would like to extend special promotions to their customers and do so via their Promotions Manager option, which is found under Seller Tools in Selling Manager. eBay sellers can offer special markdowns, discounts and even a buy one get one free option.

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