Amazon Rank

An Amazon’s sellers rank or Amazon bestseller ranking (BSR) is a measure of how well your product is selling relative to its category. A number represents the rank, and it is measured on a bell curve every hour. When a customer searches for a product on Amazon, Amazon pulls all relevant items from their catalog and ranks them according to relevancy.

Let’s say you are not only selling a Hydro Flask (32 oz) on Amazon in the camping & hiking hydration flasks category but also in the Home and Kitchen category. Your ranking in each one would be based on the other items being sold in that category.

What are some ways you can increase your ranking?

  • Increase Your Sales: The more you sell, the higher you will rank and the more likely you will win the Amazon Buy Box. To help you sell more, consider pricing your products a bit lower and selling unique products.
  • Provide all relevant information regarding the product in the product description. Consider listing in particular categories rather than general categories as there will be less competition and you will be able to increase your ranking.
  • Keywords will help your product description. Take time to research your products carefully and employ the services of an Amazon fee calculator.
  • Amazon Prime: Consider offering Amazon Prime as often customers will filter out any products that are not Amazon Prime.
  • Optimize your product listing: Choose a detailed title with the following information”


    • Product Type
    • Brand and description
    • Product line
    • Material/key ingredient
    • Color/size
    • Quantity
    • Manufacturer Part Number

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Amazon Ratings