A lot more than just
pricing data
Product Matching
and identification based on keywords, barcodes, model number and more.
Enhance Product Catalog Data
Product attributes, title, description, images and more.
Find Product Market Price And Sales Performance
on Amazon, eBay, Walmart and others, accross various countries.
Why integrate
with Algopix API
Product Level
Product Level
- Complete product information and description (including barcodes)
- Price points across different channels
- Sales volumes history statistics
- Product market share analytics
- Estimated shipping costs & expenses breakdown
Brand Level
Brand Level
- Price protection: Indicate MAP / MSRP price violations
- Extensive competitors analysis
- Monitor your online presence
- Close the Gap between Customers and your Brand
- Straight-forward input and recommendations
Category Level
Category Level
- Explore new opportunities and find your next best sellers
- Keyword research insights from Google
- Uncover cross-channel competition
- React to Trends Instantly
- Data-driven business decisions
Test the
Algopix API
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Example of using
Algopix's API
- Import crucial data points to your system of choice - ERP, CRM, Multi-channel listing software, etc
- Set up automatic rules based on real-time market data
- Inventory planning and repricing according to market trends