How to use Amazon Brand Analytics for Product Research

How to use Amazon Brand Analytics for Product Research

With the number of 3rd party tools available for Amazon sellers, it is sometimes very easy to lose sight of the features on Amazon seller central itself. One feature in seller central that Amazon sellers should definitely look into is the Amazon Brand Analytics report. It is a great report for product and competition research

This report gives insight into the actual marketplace data within Amazon that you can make confident actionable decisions.

The Amazon Brand Analytics report can be found in your Seller Central dashboard, under the header >> “Brands”>>”Brand Analytics”

On this page you will see the following reports:

1. Amazon Search Term report

This report allows you to find search terms that are attracting the most traffic and conversions. You can use it to monitor trends and determine the effectiveness of your marketing activities.

2. Demographics Report

With demographics reports, you can better connect with your target group or uncover customization opportunities.

3. Item Comparison Report

This report details the browsing and purchasing habits of buyers who have looked at your ASIN.

4. Alternate Purchase Report

Opposite of the item comparison report. It displays which of your products were viewed by the shopper, but the customer ultimately bought a product from another business.

5. Market Basket Report

You can gain insight with this report to see the products that your consumers are purchasing together to identify cross-selling and bundling opportunities.

6. Repeat Purchase Behavior Report

Check this report to improve your marketing campaigns’ strategy and evaluation to encourage repeat purchases and attract new customers.

Not all Amazon Brand Analytics Report are useful for Product Research

Ok so that’s a lot of reports, the key idea for this article is about product research, so not all of the reports on Brand Analytics will be useful for that purpose. The reports that we will be zeroing in on are the Amazon Search Terms, Market Basket Analysis and Item Comparison reports.

You need to be Amazon Brand Registered

Also before reading on you will need to be brand registered, as in being enrolled into the Amazon brand registry program. You must enroll your IP, which can be text-based or image-based trademarks, with trademark offices in the following jurisdiction: United States, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Australia, India, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Singapore, Spain, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Egypt, Sweden, Poland, the European Union, and the United Arab Emirates. For more information about Amazon Brand Registry, you can check out the homepage here.

Amazon Brand Analytics Report vs Data from Tool Providers

It is also important to note the quality of the information that the sellers can gather in the brand analytics report. As mentioned, earlier the data in brand analytics are true Amazon data, as such sellers can make a confident actionable decision using them.

If you are reading this and know what brand analytics report is already, chances are you are already using some of the well-known Amazon research software for your initial research. Although all these tools are great at researching for your initial product, they only provide the estimate of search volume using different available data points.

Amazon does not provide actual search volume, so any search volume or research data from the 3rd party tools will not be as strong as the data in brand analytics itself. So if there are conflicting results between the 3rd party tool that you use and the data from the Amazon Brand Analytics report, the brand analytics report should take priority.

Research for Products with Higher Search Volume

The search term report in the Brand Analytics report can be quite valuable for your Amazon product research. As an Amazon seller, you can use the search frequency rank to determine which terms have a higher potential search volume.

Keep in mind the report does not actually give you the search volume number but will give you something called a Search Frequency Rank, which is a rank of a search term’s popularity when compared to all other search terms during a given time period.

In the above, we can see that the search phrase “dog house” has a much lower search frequency rank than “cat condo” in the case above. Assuring that “dog house” has a broader search base. Therefore, if we are going after products with relatively higher search volume as the goal, the step to take is to prioritize sourcing “dog house” as the product we sell.

Another approach to utilize the search term report is to use the “Enter ASINs or Products” form to look up your ASIN. The search terms that result should be very relevant and be used in your Amazon listing optimization.

The decision you may make based on this information is how aggressive you can be with your product launch on a specific keyword. If you want to rank for a specific keyword, you should be more aggressive with your offer. Especially if you can improve your relative click or conversion share compared to your rivals.

Using Search Term Report for Amazon PPC

The search term report is also a great source for prioritizing keywords to run on your Amazon PPC campaign. Sometimes the keywords in your original research are too long for you to manage in your Amazon PPC campaign.

In order to make your Amazon PPC campaign more manageable, you want to trim the list down. When trimming the list down you want to prioritize the keywords by relevance and search volume, the search term report in brand analytics allows you to prioritize your keywords by relative search term volume. What’s left is the most impactful set of keywords to run your PPC campaign.

On the other hand, if you do have a large set of keywords that you want to run for your ads. Consider using an Amazon PPC management software that can automate your bidding on a daily basis.

Research for New Products

If you are already selling within a specific niche and want to expand your product catalog a good report for that type of intelligence would be the market basket report.

The market basket report shows which products Amazon shoppers buy with your brand’s product most frequently. This research helps sellers and brand owners spot possibilities for niche-related product expansion.

Using our dog house example above, if we run the market basket report we might come up with ASIN in the report that dog owners will also purchase products like “dog chew toy” or “dog paw filers”.

The top three ASINs most frequently purchased with the ASIN in your brand catalog are shown in the report. This, as well as the percentage of time each of the top three items were purchased in conjunction with the seller’s or brand owner’s product. You can use the percentage to prioritize the opportunities.

Research for Potential Bundling Opportunities

The item comparison report shows the browsing and purchasing habits of the buyer who has looked at your ASIN.

The item comparison report is at the top of the report. In the first column, this report displays a list of your ASIN and the top five asins that buyers examined before purchasing your ASIN. This report provides you with information to help you find cross-sell and upsell opportunities.

Amazon Brand Analytics Item Comparison Report

Knowing the top five asins, there is an opportunity for you to create a brand new offering the blends two or more products together. This in effect can potentially increase your average order value and increase your margins on each order.

How Can You Use Algopix for Market Research?

Algopix offers a variety of features to simplify the way you approach market research. Here’s what you can do with Algopix:

  • Product Research: Analyze product data, including identifier codes, specifications, dimensions, demand level, price, estimated expenses, monthly sales, and more by a simple identifier, category, or specific seller.
  • Multiple Marketplaces: Algopix provides detailed insights into products being sold on global Amazon, eBay, and Walmart marketplaces.
  • Competitor Insights: Discover real-time insights into your competitors, their ratings, and who owns the buy-box.
  • Product Sourcing: Quickly find a reputable supplier for any product you validate during the product research stage.
  • Product Comparables: Dive deep into similar products that match your search criteria to quickly find viable products you can sell.


Reports and tools on the Amazon seller central dashboard are often overlooked. The Amazon brand analytics report offers sellers valuable intelligence for free. When using Brand Analytics to make strategic decisions, like expanding your product catalog, deciding which keywords to target, the user can rest assured that they are making judgments based on timely and reliable data.

About the Author

Rick Wong is the founder of SellerMetrics, an Amazon PPC Software. Having worked in some of the world’s largest financial institutions in Canada, he ventured into Amazon selling in 2017 and sold his Amazon business four years later.

He currently resides in Hong Kong with his wife and 1 yr old daughter. On days that he is not in his office, you can find him playing golf with his friends or watching the newest show on Netflix with his family.