Algopix Market & Product Research Tool

One platform for all your product research and sourcing

Improve the way you research, validate, and source products with everything you need in one place.


Product Research Made Easy

Research new product ideas to gain powerful insights into market share, pricing, promotions, and potential competitors.

Validate Product Ideas Fast

Use real-time data to check new product ideas and gauge performance and profitability across popular online marketplaces.

Browse Top Alibaba Suppliers

Discover the best Alibaba suppliers for any product that you’re researching—directly within Algopix.

Algopix + Alibaba

Product research and sourcing just got easier

Algopix has partnered with Alibaba to give online sellers even more control over product research and sourcing. That means everything you need to make the right decisions when it comes to selling online is now available right here in Algopix.

Our latest integration shows you:

  • Supplier availability & rating
  • Product price ranges
  • Minimum order quantities
  • Supplier business information
  • Total orders and sales over 6-months
  • Supplier trade assurance badges

Grow your ecommerce business on Amazon, Walmart, & eBay

Validate Product Information

Verify key products details like ASIN, EAN, UPC, dimensions, and other identifiers required by popular online marketplaces.

Gauge Sales Performance

Find out how a product performs across several marketplaces with real-time insights into a product’s monthly sales and revenue.

Receive Product Recommendations

Algopix automatically provides you with recommendations based on product KPIs, similar products, and supplier availability on Alibaba.

Calculate Profit & Expenses

See what a product is selling for and its estimated marketplace fees, tax, shipping, and other costs before sourcing.

Discover New Opportunities

See where a product performs best with deep insights into pricing, expenses, competition, and demand levels.

Deep Competitor Insights

Gain full visibility into your competitors, seller ratings, who commands the buy box, and whether a product is in demand and competitive.

Find reputable suppliers faster than ever

Remove the guesswork when it comes to finding the right Chinese suppliers. Save countless hours when it comes to browsing and vetting potential suppliers. With full Alibaba integration, you can quickly see which suppliers are the best fit, available, and reputable.

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Real-time data means you’re always in control

See what’s happening right now on the marketplaces you care about most. Real-time data gives you up to date information, so you can assess market conditions, research new trends, and optimize your products for conversions.

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Turn real-time insights into your competitive advantage

Sign up for your free Algopix trial today.

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